Graduation roadmap

Q&A Webinar "Final administrative steps"

ETH Doctoral Administration
Departmental Doctoral Administrations
ETH Library

Dr. Marion Lehner (Educational Development and Technology)
Dr. Giorgia Zandomeneghi (ETH Doctoral Administration)

Final administrative steps towards the completion of your doctorate:

  • Doctoral exam
  • Preliminary confirmation of the doctoral degree
  • Upload of thesis to the Research Collection
  • Submission of the deposit copies
  • Definitive confirmation of the doctoral degree
  • Doctoral awards ceremony

At the webinar we will answer your questions about these steps!


Panelists at the Q&A webinar

For general questions
Alfredo Picariello (ETH Doctoral Administration)
Helen Scherrer (ETH Doctoral Adminstration)
Marius Stricker (ETH Library)

For department-specific questions
Representatives of Doctoral Administration D-BIOL
Helen Kaufmann (Doctoral Administration D-CHAB)
Mirjam Kandler (Doctoral Administration D-ERDW)
Farida D' Addario (Doctoral Administration D-HEST)
Bernadette Gianesi (Doctoral Administration D-INFK)
Representatives of Doctoral Administration D-ITET
Representatives of Doctoral Administration D-MAVT
Petra Monsch (Doctoral Administration D-MTEC)
Prisca Rohr (Doctoral Administration D-USYS)


Date: Thursday 30 May 2024
Time: 16:00 - 17:15
Online (ZOOM)

Registration "Webinar Final steps": closed

A teaching portfolio is an essential tool for educators to showcase their teaching philosophy, practices, and accomplishments to potential employers or promotion committees. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create a comprehensive and effective teaching statement that highlights their teaching expertise, experience, and impact. This workshop is suitable for doctoral teaching assistants from their second year on, who are interested in building a teaching portfolio for career development or promotion. No prior experience with teaching portfolios is required.

Learning Objectives:
- Know what a teaching portfolio is and know how to structure such a document
- Write their own teaching statement and get feedback from their peers
- Critically evaluate different teaching statements.


Date: Tuesday 11 June 2024
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Location: H?nggerberg campus, HCI Building (Vladimir-?Prelog-Weg 1-5 / 10), room HCI H 2.1

external pageRegistration "Workshop teaching portfolio"

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